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Dynamic Drive vs Active steering

Guest Pole

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Guest poleposition

Ar fi util sa explicam aici, ce presupun aceste optiuni si cum influenteaza acestea comportamentul masinii.


Eu, sunt o persoana suficient de atehnica, incat sa nu ma pronunt, insa, ar fi interesanta si binevenita opinia celor care pot explica aceste functii.








De asemenea util, in cazul achizitionarii unei masini, cum se pot identifica aceste optiuni, mai ales in cazul unui neavizat in acest sens.




Opiniile ale posesorilor ar fi mai interesante decat citatele de pe net :)

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Dynamic Drive.

Supreme agility, unwavering stability and unmatched comfort on bends: the active chassis control system Dynamic Drive minimises body roll and distributes it between both axles, ensuring a comfortable ride for all occupants.


Dynamic Drive uses active stabilisers on the front and rear axles to counteract the vehicle's tendency to roll in a corner. Working together with acceleration and position sensors, a management system and other components, such as a compensation tank for sound control, the system ensures supreme agility at all speeds, balanced reactions to load changes and remarkably precise steering.

The stabilisers continually adapt to suit the driving situation and the changes to the vehicle's self-steering behaviour. For example, when driving on the straight, Dynamic Drive reduces the pressure of the stabilisers, treating them individually, so allowing for a highly comfortable ride - a particular benefit for rear-seat passengers.

When cornering or making sudden changes of direction, a "sportier" setting will see the stabilisers increase the rigidity of the suspension relevant to the intensity of the lateral forces to prevent body roll. Roll distribution between the front and back axles also helps in difficult situations.

Dynamic Drive ensures that the vehicle literally hugs the road, under- or oversteering is reduced - resulting in enhanced safety, greater comfort and an impressively dynamic driving experience.


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Active steering mi am pus si eu pe x6.Este foarte importanta optiunea asta la o masina asa mare plus ca rotile au dimensiunea 275/40 R 20 pe fata si as fi facut febra la brate doar cu servo.Dupa 60km/h am observat ca se intareste volanu si ai o senzatie de stabilitate marita si control asupra directiei . Pe loc se misca foarte usor volanu si din 1 tura si putin ai rotile bracate la maxim .
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