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Everything posted by hitman1234

  1. Am inteles, pe ale mele nu le-au furat de cand le-am scris,poate scapa ca m-am atasat de ele totusi..uite inca o solutie finuta...
  2. Acum am citit tot topicul, geniala masina, nu mi-a placut niciodata X3 dar a ta pare .."proper"..te-ai gandit sa-ti faci o tiganie de genul pentru oglinzi?
  3. Pai nimeni nu e fan,eu ma gandesc doar cum poate fi contestata..desi nu mi se aplica,pentru ambele masini s-a platit taxa, ma gandesc ca daca nu tipam acum,mai ales pentru categoria aia 3-4000 descrisa de DSF, nu mai ramane nimeni sa tipe cand ne-or pune alte taxe aberante..
  4. WLF> tot e discriminat unul care incearca sa vanda o masina X fata de altul care merge cu ea si polueaza de rupe sa zicem..deci discriminarea tot poate fi invocata intr-o forma sau alta.. Nu mai zic ca in procesul de fabricatie al unei masini noi se polueaza cam cat trei vieti normale ale unei masini vechi,dar na, noi descurajam poluarea..
  5. Cum nu e discriminare, tu fiind al 3-lea proprietar sa zicem, ca atunci cand o vinzi sa plateasca #4, si primii 3 nu? O sa mergem toti pe motoare ca astea nu se supun
  6. WLF> Cumparatorul plateste taxa vietii! Ei,cum spuneau si Domi si Similea, cumpara timp, pana iar ajung la CE procesele pentru noua taxa,apoi iar o sa-i schimbe cuantumul sau alte chichite, pur si simplu trag de timp, fiindca taxa asta in orice forma e ilegala, imorala si discriminatorie. Si asta se vede cu ochiul liber,nu-ti trebuie studii de specialitate. Daca inainte intelegeam ca ai o industrie auto locala care trebuia protejata, in varianta actuala ai omorat-o si pe aia.
  7. WLF> Asa e. Au reusit tampitii sa blocheze toata piata auto SH, ca solutii nu vad decat vanzare fara acte(naspa) sau Bulgaria sau judecata cu statul pentru taxa asta tampita..
  8. cred ca ai uitat de Brabus e v12, Brabus Rocket sau de faptul ca au ajuns la RS6 la 950 hp si viteza de peste 380..a fost o data cel mai rapid sedan,dar nu mai este..
  9. cred ca 8 si 9 sunt unul si acelasi senzor in doua poze diferite..au si acelasi pret..
  10. se plimba numai intre bucuresti si pitesti
  11. hitman1234

    Noul M5

    cam asta zic si eu, renuntand la motoarele aspirate au admis ca practic concurenta are dreptate, probabil ca urmeaza sa le faca si AWD pe viitor ceea ce n-ar fi rau deloc, in lumea reala..
  12. un test interesant Who doesn’t like a proper wacky duel? Like the one where James May raced a Ferrari against a camel, or when the guys from TopGear did a “train vs Aston Martin” from London to Cannes? As in the case of the proverbial hare and tortoise, when you set two unlikely opponents against each other, you get some entertaining results — and you might even prove a point. That’s what Germany’s AutoBild (print edition, March 5) tried to do when it tested the assumption that power = speed. They raced the slowest E-class Mercedes station wagon against the fastest one, on German public roads, over a distance of 1,000 KMs. It was E63 AMG vs E200 CDI; 525 HP against 136 HP; 6.2L vs 2.1L displacement, V8 against Diesel-L4. 0-60 in 4.6 s vs 10.9 s. And not to forget, purchase prices of €42,483 against €108,409. So, what happened? Not what you might think… But first, some more data and some rules. The AMG had its standard 250 km/h speed limiter left in place, and both cars had optional 80-liter fuel tanks fitted. Drivers had to stick to speed limits — this wasn’t supposed to turn into a Kanonenkugel-Run. The route was from Flensburg in the northern tip of Germany, down to the Austrian border. This is a relatively rural Autobahn that had plenty of unrestricted stretches and goes through only one major conurbation, in Hamburg. The driver of the AMG wrote about an uncomfortably hard ride, and more to the point, reported that the super-station wagon fostered a stressful style of driving. You push it, as he wrote, up to the limit, then hit the brakes as soon as somebody who underestimates your speed moves into the left lane, then you push it again. In heavier traffic, the ratio of power-to-freedom was perceived as particularly irksome. The major concern, however, was the constant need to re-fuel. With a fuel consumption of 13.7 MPG, the AMG had to stop for gas after only 422 KM, seriously slowing down its average to 124 km/h. Meanwhile, the Diesel enabled a flowing, relaxed driving style with a softer ride, lower noise, but yet enough power — the E200 CDI apparently felt quite comfortable in the 160-200 km/h zone. And the Diesel’s average of 28.7 MPG meant that re-fuelling could wait for a few hours, until after the 750 KM mark, at which point it had averaged a speed of 125 km/h. So, despite all the long stretches where the AMG seldom had to slow down to speeds below 200 km/h, one of the world’s fastest station wagons reached the chequered flag in exactly 13 minutes before the oil-burner. Thirteen minutes gain, €184 additional fuel costs: is that what power amounts to? As surprising as the results may seem, they match my experience in Europe. If you absolutely push it while driving in the dead of night, you can sightly better an average of 130 km/h, but your licence will be at risk. Take it slow, drive safe, and your average sinks to 110-120. Note to AMG: on modern congested roads, power equals nothing more than frustration. If you really want people to associate pimptastic with fast, you need to equip your cars with 300L tanks — and preferably a built-in urinal. Images: http://www.autobild.de/artikel/merce...t_1136342.html
  13. hitman1234

    Noul M5

    ma asteptam sa spulbere concurenta la cat s-a lasat asteptat acest biturbo..si ei vin cu 5 cai in plus fata de X5M si cu performante comparabile cu ce scotea audi in 2008..
  14. hitman1234

    Noul M5

    sa fiu eu primul care zice ca-s dezamagit de motor? http://www.zeperfs.com/en/duel3969-2568.htm
  15. si ambreiaje cam rup..una e sa ai cuplu maxim la 4500-5000 sa-l atingi ocazional si alta e sa-l ai la 1900 sa-l atingi la fiecare schimbare de viteza..pe forum vw sunt o gramada care l-au schimbat deja la TDI, uneori cu volanta cu tot, nu mai zic ca la DSG e dubla placerea, la benzina parca nu-s asa multi..nu mai zic ca e foarte tentant s-o chipuiesti si atunci clar schimbi astea mai des fiindca piesele sunt gandite pentru anumite forte,dar asta nu-ti zice nimeni..
  16. and so it begins :frantics:
  17. ce panarama am zis sa ma rad si eu pe aici pana se inchide...
  18. +1 Asa e. E cel mai bun compromis intre siguranta,confort si senzatii. Conduc Mercedes acum si nu numai ca nu-ti oferta nicio senzatie, dar ti le anihileaza si pe alea cu care te urci in masina, nu simti nicio bucurie in ea, doar e o masa mare care pluteste peste denivelari si in care stai ca in fotoliu..regret pe un drum cu viraje de fiecare data E34 vechi. Cu Audi A6 3.0 TDI m-a plimbat un prieten, ce sa zic, trage frumos, dar nu se compara cu un BMW cu motor similar si nu e la fel de comfortabila ca a mea dar na,sunt subiectiv
  19. Eu zic ca un M5 ar impune si mai mare respect...
  20. http://www.autovit.ro/mercedes-benz-e-350-C18815996.html E350 AMG fara pret de criza cu optiunea shrek cu comsumabilile abia schimbate by boldy of cors :frantics:
  21. si? zici ca ai reusit sa nu zgarii janta aia?
  22. a mai fost,si cu vreo 500E mai ieftin..
  23. http://0-100.hotnews.ro/2011/05/31/taxa-auto-intaxa-auto-in-noua-forma-va-fi-platita-de-vanzator-pentru-masinile-aduse-inainte-de-2007/ deci da,sa-mi trag una.. :frantics:
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