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alex230ro last won the day on September 5

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  1. Punctele 2 si 4 dar poate asa intelegi mai usor repet daca vorbim de motoare vechi sau de mers pe distante scurte, poate , la un motor modern care merge "fierbinte" nu as testa asa ceva .
  2. Cum sa pui apa distilata in motor? si sa mergi asa catva mii de km?? Ok daca vorbim de masini mai vechi fie, dar mai toate masinile noi sunt facute sa mearga la temperaturi mai ridicate fata de clasicul "apa la 90 de grade" . Avion , autocar orice pana in Thasos, sau prieten/ruda sa iti imprumute masina . aiurea de pe google " No, you should not put water instead of coolant in a BMW. The coolant system in a BMW is designed to use a specific coolant mixture, typically a combination of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol and water. This coolant mixture has important properties that help regulate the engine temperature and protect the internal components of the cooling system from corrosion, scaling, and freezing. Using plain water in place of the recommended coolant can lead to several problems: Reduced cooling efficiency: Water has a lower heat capacity compared to the coolant mixture, which means it cannot absorb and transfer heat as effectively, leading to potential engine overheating. Corrosion: The coolant mixture contains corrosion inhibitors that protect the metal components in the cooling system, such as the engine block, radiator, and water pump. Water lacks these corrosion inhibitors, leading to accelerated deterioration of these parts. Freezing risk: Coolant mixtures have a lower freezing point than water, which is essential in colder climates to prevent the cooling system from freezing and causing damage. Boiling point: The coolant mixture has a higher boiling point than water, allowing the cooling system to operate under higher temperatures without the coolant boiling off. Using the wrong fluid in the cooling system can result in engine damage, reduced reliability, and potentially even a complete engine failure. It is always best to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and use the specified coolant type and concentration for your BMW" Deci nu, a ramai in pana undeva si trebuie sa te "tarasti" pana in primul oras ok, dar aici vorbim de drum lung .
  3. Au trecut cam toate firmele la hibrid ,de aia și Toyota a crescut în vânzări.
  4. Atunci poti sa o iei "usor" , faci un plin cu benzina mai buna eventual cu aditiv, apoi bujii , dupa care mai vezi. Pentru actuatoare din ce tin minte se poate face testare din diagnoza .
  5. Diagnoza ai făcut? Actuatoarele venos mai fac figuri la B uri.
  6. Salut,la mai toate modelele noi se amorseaza din tester pompa .Nu e indicat sa faci altfel .
  7. Corect, și la F pare "prost' ex eu am interval pus la 15k am facut pana acum 6k km el zice ca au rămas 9k pana la revizie , doar ca am mers 50% oraș 50% extern so aș zice ca trebuia sa îmi dea mai putin el a făcut diferența nu a ținut cont de faptul ca am mers și urban.
  8. Cand vad astea cu 30k... mai nou avem https://www.knauzbmw.com/condition-based-service-information.htm In trecut da, parca a fost un gap pe la E uri si F uri unde nu se tinea cont de toti factorii. Desi E30 de ex pentru vremea lui avea un algoritm destul de avansat " The system is partially intelligent; while based on a timer, it also checks engine temperature and distance travelled to calculate the condition of the oil. However, it has no knowledge about whether you've actually changed the oil or not." Din ce tin minte de la seria G in sus treaba a fost rezolvata .
  9. Racheta 1,6 ala eu am ajuns de la 160 cai si 2,5 tone de pe Patrol la 340 cai si 1,5 tone pe 140 .
  10. Te obisnuiesti cu caii dupa aia ti se par putini
  11. https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/auto-transporturi/schimbare-guvernul-german-reintroduce-subventiile-la-masini-electrice-pentru-a-stopa-declinul-pietei-auto-21722850
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